Golden Triangle Women’s Health Resources
Rooted Therapy and Wellness in Beaumont
Many of us have carried the same trauma, aches, pains, and stress into each year. Over and over, the cycle continues.
In Southeast Texas, women and families are developing the skills they need to break the cycle.
Rooted Therapy and Wellness uses a God focused approach to health and healing that allows women to heal from childhood trauma or PTSD from an abusive relationship, minimize the stress that comes with a modern lifestyle, and find a life balance that minimizes future health issues.
Their healing services for Golden Triangle moms and families include:
- Cupping
- Foam rolling
- Breath work
- Strengthening and Conditioning
- Vagus nerve exercises
- Education and coaching
- Aroma therapy
- Medicinal plants
- Massage
Is this the year you finally give yourself the grace to heal?